Saturday 8 August 2015

Open up Vegetarian's World ® restaurant at Sibu

First of all, I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to my lecturer, Ms.T as well as our course leader who gave me the golden opportunity with the patient guidance and encouragement throughout the course of this business plan. Under her suggestions and sharing the knowledge about this topic, I had learned so many new things for this research. I have been extremely lucky to have a lecturer who responded to my questions and queries promptly.
Besides, I also want to thank all my friends and whoever helped me with the suggestions and ideas regarding this topic. In additional, I appreciated all respondents who answered my questions for the research. Our research would not be successful without your helps. So, I am really thankful for all thoughts and shared ideas.
Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all my university lecturers who had taught me the business knowledge and indirectly guided me in completing this business plan. Nevertheless, I am sincerely grateful to all who was always willing to spend their precious time with me in completing this business plan.

Executive Summary
For the business plan, I picked Vegetarian restaurant as my research target. Nowadays, vegetarian is very common in Sibu society, there are quite a lot of Sibu people go to the vegetarian restaurants compared to the oldest time.
According to the business plan of Vegetarian’s World restaurant, the culture in Sibu is moving towards the healthy lifestyles or we should called it vegetarian lifestyles. The purpose of open up a new vegetarian restaurant is to follow up the society changes. Furthermore, healthy aging and healthier lifestyles had become one of the irrefutable proof to live longer and stay healthier. 
At the same time, most of the intelligent people believe being a vegetarian could protect and save the world. Our vision is to bringing people into the right path of life and not only focus on “profitability” and “productivity”.  The main objective for Vegetarian’s World restaurant is to achieving the healthier lifestyle environment in Sibu.
According to the industry analysis, there are more opportunities over the threats. There are a lot of fast food restaurants in Sibu and most of existing competitors are non-vegetarian restaurants. Therefore, there are only a smallest amount of vegetarian restaurants available in Sibu. So, this might give us the opportunity to hit the markets and establish our own loyal customers. We are targeting on two segments which are includes adults and older adults.
Vegetarian’s World restaurant will serve the foods at the safety standard for being fresh, healthier and clean giving to our customers. Vegetarian’s World restaurant will serves variety of ingredients for customized meals such as salads, burgers, sandwiches, salads, pizzas and desserts. The price ranges for the meals is affordable and the location is easy to be found. Our restaurant are using three methods to promote which are through sale promotions, advertising and public relations.
Vegetarian’s World restaurant would have 4 positions which are kitchen managers, kitchen assistants, counter staff and waiters. The total of the one-time payment is RM938,500 and the on-going payment would be around RM14,275. The production process would be complete within 3 to 5 months. For the business license, halal certification, fire department permit and HACCP will be able to get it within this period of time.

1.0 Introduction
As we move towards to the era of the next generation world, people would like to feels or to have something different in Sibu such as unique, transforms, creative, innovation, high-level of skills, problem solving and high-tech communication systems. It’s also a good opportunity to bring the new ideas and different cultures into Sibu and we named our we called it World Of Healthy Life. Vegetarian isn’t just an ideal from our restaurant philosophy to make profits and fulfil local needs, but it’s also a concern of the people to move towards into a healthy life. In fact, we did notice that Sibu people are mostly busy with their own business, but frankly there are plenty of Sibu people gathered at the vegetarian restaurant and food courts nowadays. It is not only Sibu people are moving towards a culture of healthy life but most of the restaurants will be moving towards the vegetarian lifestyles. This will allow Sibu people to have a better grasp on our restaurant, because of the uniqueness. Therefore, those ideas will represent a general purpose of our restaurant that can actually transforms an entire business into one platform, that world are attempts to have a healthy awareness. Over the centuries, those are studied on healthy aging, well-being, longevity, healthier life and also ecosystem protection has found out that vegetarian is an irrefutable proof to live longer and stay healthier. There are plenty of diseases are basically from the dead animal flesh, stop killing is one of the method to absolutely solve this issues and that will cause no impact on our environment and it able to adapt human conscience. Moreover, with the evolution of time and studies of mankind and animals, it is beyond obvious that man is not meant for eating meat and killing each other to sustain their life. It is important for a restaurant be proactive and forward looking. Well preparation enable to respond more efficiently than others did. The environments, society, and economies are fluctuated, we must keep follow up in order to be able to meet the changes.

1.1 Missions & Visions
For the mission, there are 3 commitments that our restaurant have dedicated to. First of all, our restaurant core purpose is to create a healthier lifestyle environment in Sibu as well as providing an access to nutrition and healthier lifestyle information in our restaurant. Secondly, it is to satisfy the needs of our consumers whereby the foods in our restaurant would be at the safety standards and with the extraordinary menu from time to time. At last, we will focus on the sustainability initiatives on energy efficiency, waste reduction, water, resources conservation and supply chain management.
The vision for the “Vegetarian World” restaurant is to promote the highest-levels class of the healthier foods and balanced diet foods to the people around the city. We are committed to encourage more people into a healthier lifestyles, bringing positive impacts to the environment and make them believe being a vegetarian could protect and save the world. We also believe the vital functions of our restaurant is to bringing people into the right path of life and not just focused on “profitability” and “productivity”. Second vision is to provide convenience for locals and outstation people. Our restaurant will be open at earlier in the morning until late at night. Therefore, this will allow those outstation vegetarians or others non-vegetarians able to have their meal at any time.

1.2 Business Objectives
Our restaurant intends to achieve 3 objectives within a year’s period of time. Our philosophy has decided on bringing the world towards vegetarian thoughts and healthier lifestyles. We will look forward on achieving the healthier lifestyle environment in Sibu. Second objective is more focus at the wide choice of selection to fulfil the demands of different needs of customers. At last, we will focus on the sustainability initiatives of our foods and beverages to our service users, in order to provide the quality foods, beverages, services and also better environment to our restaurant customers for maximum the satisfaction.

2.0 Industry Analysis
2.1 PEST Analysis
2.1.1 Political factors
There are several political factors that can bring the opportunities and threats to the business. Taxation policy is one of the political factors that our restaurant should be concerned. The licensing for a restaurant would be easy to get, but nowadays Malaysia government has implemented 6% GST on several products and services, this might affect our restaurant products price. Majority of the local people are lower-end customers that with the lower incomes, so we will provide an affordable prices on certain foods and beverages. Thus, we will paid for the 6% GST in order to ensure that everybody could enjoy their foods and beverages with no extra charges.
Moreover, exchange rate policy is influenced by political parties that will shapes the purchasing power of consumers and affect our restaurant business. For example, while our country currency rates is falling, it also raised the price of foreign goods and services, thereby it will eroding the spending power of consumers in the form of price changes. The ingredient resources is the greatest consideration for a business to keep move forward. A depreciation of exchange rate will make the domestic goods become cheaper and more competitive in both foreign and home markets. Thus, the import goods become expensive, our restaurant need more cost to purchase the import ingredients. Therefore, this can reduce living standards and slow down the economic growth, as well as cause some difficulty for our business.

2.1.2 Economic factors
There are several economic factors will bring the opportunities and threats to the business growth and business performances. As the depreciation of Malaysia Ringgit currencies, it would affect the standard of living in Sibu. The cost of living remained high will leads Malaysians would have low purchasing power. According to the statistics, the average income of most of the Sibukian are only around RM1,000 to RM,3500 and this factor will become one of the threat for the business. This is because when the goods and services prices goes up, local people will consider to save more money by having meals at home instance of having a meals at the restaurant. Nevertheless, the opportunity for a new business getting into a new market will allowed more jobs available in the state and also slightly increase the employment rate and local economics. Since majority of Sibu people living standards is average or lower-end, this will brings negative effects to the business. Second factor that will affect the business is employment opportunity in Sibu. Obviously, Malaysia is a developing country and in recent years the GDP had been rise a bit slow. In this case, the unemployment rate is manifestly decrease stimulated by the increase of GDP. This might affect the customer purchasing power, it will take time for the customers to be able to fully spend their money on outside foods. Simultaneously, as the increases of employment opportunity, thus this will allow more people afford to purchase outside foods.

2.1.3 Social and Culture factors
Sibu consists of a diversity ethnic groups and races that have different cultures and yet able to truly embrace each other’s cultures. This makes Sibu citizen easily to accept other trends and also always up to date with trying something new in town. The social and culture is along with one another beliefs, traditions and taboos that influences us hard to make certain food choices and it might become one of the threats for the business. On the contrary, our restaurant are targeting on the healthy lifestyles which is excludes all animal meat, fish and poultry but includes milk and egg. Accordingly, vegetarian restaurant have a different sorts of menu and our restaurant will add in new available dishes during the special offers, so this might able to attract more Sibu people to approach us compared to others non-vegetarian restaurant. This will become one of the opportunity for our business on going.  
A major socio-cultural factors that influencing our business are changes of consumer preferences, geographic location and peer group interests. Sibu people will prefers the cheapest price, delicious meals and nearby places as their location for having meal. While Sibu people realize a new restaurant with a high-tech order methods and extraordinary menu will be opening soon at somewhere in Sibu, people will bring the words from one person to another through word of mouth. Thus, this will save the costs for advertising and lower the cost of operating a new business into a market.
In fact, this is an opportunity for our restaurant business to grow and will slowly bring more advantages and positive effects to local people. From time to time, the whole society would be able to grab into a healthy lifestyles and also environmental friendly lifestyles. Therefore, once they noticed about the important of having a healthy meals every days, this will lead more people go to our restaurant.

2.1.4 Technological factors
Technology is constantly changes, business must change in order to keep up to be success and it can present opportunity and threat for a business. So far, there is nothing can compete with online marketing, which makes everything in this world getting closer and new technology has created a wider variety of places to advertise. First of all, the technological factors that brings opportunity to our restaurant is the advancement of internet. Our restaurant can channeling our products easily and spend a little cost or without cost charges on the advertisement. Therefore, our restaurant will provide free wifi that is accessible by everyone come to our restaurant. Besides, we also able to advertise our products, promotion dates and special offers in the Surface 3 via Facebook, Wechat, Line, Whatsapp, Instagram, Youtube and other available social networks. Nevertheless, we will provide the Surface 3 at every single tables for ordering and surfing internet purpose. This will able to make every single order to work fastest and efficiently.
Next, we must aware of the others might also follow the technologies we have in order to perform it on their own business. It is for this reason, people tend to follow up and it would be a threat for our business. However, Sibu people will like to choose a restaurant with advanced technologies and innovation as their location for meals. With regard to the East Malaysia traffics and infrastructures, it will cause some delay for delivery services and become the main obstacle for our business go smoothly.

2.2 Michael Porter’s Five Forces
2.2.1 Rivalry
To begin with the Michael Porter’s five forces, the first competitive forces is rivalry. Certainly, the rivalry among existing competitor is regarding to the price cutting activities and marketing cost. There are a lot of fast food restaurants in Sibu and most of existing competitors are non-vegetarian restaurants. Therefore, the rivalry among existing competitors would be low as there are still a smallest amount of vegetarian restaurants available in Sibu. Furthermore, these restaurants might have established their own loyal customers but Sibu people will go to try something new especially a newly open restaurant. Moreover, price consideration would be the first thing come to Sibu people minds, our restaurant will provide an affordable price for every meals in order to satisfy those price sensitive customers and low-end customers. Additionally, most of the ingredients are from local and only few meals are using the imported ingredients, so the price would be highest than those dishes using local ingredients. As a result, our restaurant can stay still on the position because of the rivalry among existing competitors are low.

2.2.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
At this instant, there are quite wider range of restaurant opened in Sibu town. As we have seen, there are also a lot of suppliers available in Sibu town and those restaurants in this town are their customers. Therefore, the bargaining power of the suppliers is moderate. Furthermore, sole suppliers for the certain meals that the ingredients are import from foreign country and these type of suppliers can have their way on the price of their supplies to the business in order for us to make the unique meals. Due to these suppliers are the only suppliers we can choose, so this will make them able to choose whoever they want to supply to. Trust and good relationships will bring us to the benefit of long-term supplies, it could help the business to prosper by getting a discount from those long-term suppliers.

2.2.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Customers
With the intention to fulfill the demands of customers, the competitive forces that we must consider is the bargaining power of consumers. The bargaining power of buyers are more into the buyer volume, buyer information and also price sensitivity. As mentioned, today society is moving towards to the healthy lifestyles and balance diets consideration. People would prefer to choose the cheapest and affordable price restaurant as their options for having a healthier and balance diet meals. Moreover, our restaurant will pay for the 6%GST and this will attract those price sensitive people come to our restaurant. Our target is not pointed at the high-end customers but it’s focused on those people who intend to have a better life and healthy lifestyles. Meanwhile, not all the customers will prefer to have eggs and milks on their menu. So, this would be a difficulty for our business on serving that particular of consumers. On the whole, the bargaining power of buyers is moderate.

2.2.4 Threat of New Entrants
For this entry barrier, we will look forward to the start-up cost, existing strong brand in the market and government policies. The threat of new entrants is moderate, this is because the start-up cost would be at the higher cost and the new entrants might able to be just like us but the different sort of menus provided would make us different than the others. Besides, our restaurant is not like the other restaurants, because we are serving those healthy concern meals.

2.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
It is essential for us to discover the threat of substitutes for a business run smoothly. Generally, threat of substitutes is more into the buyer inclinations and switching costs. The threat of substitute products and services is moderate as there is not much substitutes for the business but there are still an option to choose instance of our restaurant. For instance, our consumers can prefer go to Gano House, DaTongJu and other vegetarian food courts in Sibu. For example, the price sensitive consumers will try to look for less expensive, delicious foods and also comfortable places to go. Due to our restaurant menu is up-to-date and different than other vegetarian restaurants, so the consumers will likely spend their money with us.

2.3 SWOT Analysis
-         Provide healthier and balance diet meals.
-         Serves variety of different meals with changing menu.
-         Promotion days, festivals offers and weekend offers.
-         High technology and innovation restaurant.
-         Better environment and interior designed.
-         Halal certified and available for all.
-         High start-up cost.
-         Implementation of 6% GST increased our pricing.
-         Imported ingredients will caused the price of some meals become more expensive.
-         Increase in demand for healthier and balance diet meals.
-         Able to transform our customer lifestyles and create a new customer segments.
-         Let our customer realize about the knowledge and the importance of been a vegetarian to the society and environment.
-         Cooperate with local government with providing the foods to general hospital.
-         Local vegetarian restaurants and food courts.
-         Competitor restaurants have their own developed loyal customers.
Table2.3 SWOT for “Vegetarian’s World” restaurant

2.3.1 Strengths
Firstly, we will look at the strengths of our restaurant which is one of the common part of strategic planning. Our restaurant will provide healthier and balance diet meals to the customers. In additional, we will use healthy oil such as olive oil and those crude oils as our restaurant main choice for cooking purpose. This types of oils would be the main choice for those healthy concerns people in order to prepare for healthier and balance diet meals. Secondary, our restaurant will serves variety of different meals with changing menu. Changing the menu is the part of our restaurant strategies in order to attract more customers. Nowadays, most of the Sibu people will definitely look at the offers for certain goods and services before they go to the place that they decided to. In the meantime, our restaurant will require our customers to give a feedback on our several new meals. Therefore, these days such as promotion days, festivals offers and weekend offers would be one of the major consideration for our business to be more attractive. Since there is a lot of Sibu people prefer to try something fresh and unique, so we provide something innovative which is with the Surface 3 at every single tables for ordering and surfing internet purposes. Besides, free wifi with the highest speed of internet surfing will attract more people come to our restaurant for downloading video and surfing internet purpose. As mentioned, we will always provide something innovative, certainly our restaurant will have a better environment and interior designed. The atmosphere of our restaurant will be in blue and green of colours which is represent the beauty of the blue sky and green forest. Furthermore, this can keeping our customers to feel themselves at somewhere more comfortable than a feeling at home, which have a clean image and the most wonderful natural environment to have their meals. Last but not least, our restaurant is Halal certified and available for all people, no matter the customer we served is wholly vegetarian or prefer to add some eggs or milks for their meals, even those who wasn’t a vegetarian can join us. Emphatically, outside foods and meats are not allowed in our restaurant in order to keep our customers having a good appetite at all the time. Halal certified is giving us an assurance towards Muslim customers and at the same time widening the range of customers.  

2.3.2 Weaknesses
The first weakness of Vegetarian’s World is the high start-up cost. This is because the material goods needed to decorate our restaurant and enhance the services in our restaurant is high. For instance, the salary for the designer or painter and decorators, cost of software used for ordering and surfing internet purpose, tables, chairs, kitchen equipment, dinning equipment, ingredients and also a payment for use of land. In order to be innovative and unique, we must spend such huge amount of money to start-up the business. Second weakness of Vegetarian’s World is that the implementation of 6% GST has increased the price of several products and it would be tough for us to lower the price. The price is averagely high, even though we are responsible to pay for the 6% GST, but there is still a cost make us difficult to offers low price for our customers. Thirdly, the imported ingredients will caused the price of some meals become more expensive. Imported ingredients such as homemade Kimchi from Korea and some special ingredients from China. This kind of ingredients will definitely increase several products cost. Lastly, we are still new in the market and it is hard for others to find us just like they do to the others that has been in the market for a portion of time. In fact, our restaurant brand name is properly still new in the market compared to the other existing vegetarian restaurants.

2.3.3 Opportunities
First of all, the opportunities of Vegetarian’s World is increase in demand for healthier and balance diet meals. This is because our restaurant will provide delivery services with a small fee charges in order to reduce time limits of our customers, especially for their breakfast and lunch time. This will allowed our customers having a healthy meals anytime they needs. Therefore, this will able to transform our customer lifestyles and create a new customer segments. With provided delivery services, people will like to spend their money in order to buy their some time and easily for them to get their meals during their breakfast, lunch and supper. In this case, there will be more people adapt into a healthier life and balance diet habits, so this able to transform our customers from not fully vegetarian become fully vegetarian. Next, our customer able to know more about the knowledge regarding the importance of been a vegetarian to the society and environment. This is because not all the people know been a vegetarian is such an important key to change the society and environment. Our restaurant will provide an inspiration talks follow by a pleasure music with slow rhythm. As we are serving the healthier and balance diet meals, we would have an opportunity to cooperate with local government by providing the healthier meals to general hospital. This all is concern about the health and well-being of the patients in general hospital. This is because vegetarian is a suitable for those lack of eating vegetables and fruits instead of meats.

2.3.4 Threats
The threats that our restaurant has to take into account are the local vegetarian restaurants available in the market. There are several vegetarian restaurants in Sibu and consumers can prefer go to Gano Hose, DaTongJu and other vegetarian small food courts in Sibu instead of Vegetarian’s World. The existing restaurant has known the local people preferences and cultures longer than our restaurant, so this might pose a threat to our restaurant. In this case, local vegetarian restaurants has seized hold of the Sibu scope and customers know about the taste of the meals which might lead them go for it compared to a new meals they have never try. The second threat is the competitor restaurants have their own developed loyal customers and it is hard for our restaurant to compete with them. In order to be able to compete with local fast food restaurants, our restaurant must come out with something that other restaurants don’t have. For examples, balance diet and healthier meals or drinks.

3.0 Marketing Plan
3.1 Market Segmentation
Older adults
- Male
- Female
- Male
- Female
- Male
- Female
- Male
- Female
Age range
8 – 12
13 – 21
22 – 55
55 and above
Below RM50
RM150 – RM1,300
RM1,300 and above
RM3,000 and pension
- Energetic
- Carefree
- Unhealthy
- Loaf around
- Social
- Active
- Healthy
- Busy
- Proactive
- Retired
- Peaceful
- Inactive
Benefit sought
- Cheap
- Fun
- New things
- Social Place
- Cheap
- Speed
- Health
- Convenience
- Speed
- Health
- Leisure
- Family
Purchasing power

Table3.1 Market Segmentation of “Vegetarian’s World” restaurant

3.2 Market Targeting
There are two segments have been chosen to be targeted by our restaurant which are includes adults and older adults. At the adults segment, they are aged between 22 to 55 years old. Since they are adults, most of them are working adults with incomes and their incomes are RM1,300 and above. Furthermore, these adults have sort of lifestyles since they are from different background and environment. Frequently, for those married adults will prefer to have their meals at home compared to outside foods. This is because they will consider the outside foods will not be that clean or fresh than homemade foods. On the other hand, some of the married adults that are busy with business or seldom go back home will prefer to have their meals outside or the comfortable restaurant for them to enjoy their meals. Nevertheless, most of the unmarried adults will attempt to have something new in town, especially a foods and beverages. Undoubtedly, our restaurant that come out with the special, changing and up-to-date menu will definitely attract these adults attention to catch up with us. However, it is still a high purchasing power at this segment because most of the adults will still visit to our restaurant in order to taste something new. Besides, majority of the adults are still considered as a fine worker stage that have a busy lifestyles because of work and family. On the whole, there are still highly probability that these adults will prefer go to our restaurant looking for something fresh and special.  This is because this segment is time for these adults starting adapt into a society and take part in social activities, so they will more often hang out with peers. They are usually more adaptive with the changes in the society and looking for something new and fresh. Therefore, the foods and beverages provided by our restaurant will certainly fit to their appetites.
Some of the old man hates to socialize but in our restaurant there is something different than the other restaurants, which allows them to find the people in common and having a common conversation. This is because Sibu do not have much vegetarian restaurants and those vegetarians will usually gathered in a common places. This can actually make their life more socialize and able to adapt into a healthy life. Besides, their sons, daughters and whoever taking care of them will feel better off for them to have stay socialize with their friends instance of letting them alone at home. Our restaurant will prepare a comfortable place that is fit to these old man to gather with their friends and have a conversation without a noise and with a 19th century music. After all, this just make them feels like they own the place and this may able to lead them become a loyal customers to us.

3.3 Market Positioning
There are several factors that could help Vegetarian’s World restaurant to position itself in the market. At the first place, our restaurant will serve the foods at the safety standard for being fresh, healthier and clean giving to our customers. The ingredients used for every single meals are all fresh and clean, besides the meals will be tasted by our chef in order to make sure it is at the exact flavour for our customers. Additionally, we will computerize the menu selection to enable the customers to customize the ingredients that they prefer to have for certain meals such as salads, burgers, sandwiches, pizzas and desserts. By giving customers this option, our restaurant will able to satisfied wider range of preferences and allowing them to share their perspectives on certain meals. Moreover, the vegetarian burgers, sandwiches, salads, pizzas and desserts sold by other restaurants are too expensive, which makes it rarely choose by the others compared to other foods. In order to make it affordable for everyone, we have to make it different than it was and customization would be a better option to change it. As mentioned, our restaurant are putting our customer health over the value of money in order to create healthier lifestyles environment in Sibu. For this reason, we would providing an access to nutrition and healthier lifestyle information in our restaurant. With regard to encourage more people into a healthier lifestyles, bringing more positive impacts to the environment and make them believe being a vegetarian could save the world. Every time the customers visit to our restaurant, they can actually gained the knowledge regarding to the differences for being a carnivorous and vegetarian. Lastly, our restaurant also come out with the intention to provide convenience for locals and outstation peoples. This is because our restaurant will be open at earlier in the morning until late at night. Therefore, this will allow those outstation vegetarians or others able to have their meal at any time they prefer.

3.4 Market Mix Strategies (4P)
3.4.1 Products
Vegetarian’s World restaurant will serves variety of ingredients for customized meals such as salads, burgers, sandwiches, salads, pizzas and desserts. Besides, we also focus on serving beverages such as ice blends, coffee smoothies, juices, lassis and other sparkling waters. The menu of our restaurant is constantly improves and the new meals will be available as soon as it is approved by the owner or chefs. The lists of sandwiches Vegetarian’s World offers are as shown in the table.
Special Breakfast
-     Hotdog + Cheese & Egg
-     Jumbo Chickpea Pancake
-     Sugar Free Baked Granola Bars
-     Whole Wheat Pancakes
-     German Potato Pancakes
-     Black Bean Porridge
-     Raw Buckwheat Porridge
-     Stacked Strawberry Pancakes
-     French Toast
-     Special Spaghetti
-     Pasta in white sauce
-     Broccoli Quiche with Mashed Potato Crust
-     Veggie Curry Laksa
-     Tofu Omelets
-     Customized salads, burgers, sandwiches, salads, pizzas and desserts.
-     Vegan Victoria Sponge
-     Aubergine lasagne
-     Creamy Mushroom Soup
-     Apple Jack Wraps
-     Sweet Curry Porridge
-     Rainbow Salad Wrap
-     Mexican bean Wrap

Table 5.4.1 Marketing Mix: Products

3.4.2 Price
Vegetarian’s World restaurant will provides several set of value pricing such as special breakfasts, classics and favourites. Several sets of price ranges are shown in the table below.
Price range
Vegetarian’ s World Special Breakfasts
RM6.90 to RM15
Vegetarian’s World Classics
RM5.90 to RM15
Vegetarian’s World Favourites
RM4.90 to RM15

 Table 3.4.2 Marketing Mix: Price

3.4.3 Place
The Vegetarian’s World restaurant will be located at Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg which is near to the Kin Orient Plaza and opposite to the Coffee Code. Nowadays, there are a lot of peoples gathering at Coffee Code and more people will prefer to go there if a vegetarian restaurant were operated at that particular location. Besides, that particular location is nearby to the Methodist secondary school and this will bring more customers to us, especially students and parents. Some of the parents who were busy with their job will choose to have their meals at the nearby restaurant after picked up their sons or daughters and our restaurant would be their choice. Mostly, some of the parents would prefer to have a cup tea instance of sitting in the car waiting for their sons or daughters finished their lessons at school. Moreover, some of the students will go to the nearby bus stop waiting for their parents to pick them up and some of them might go to our restaurant to have some desserts or grab a drinks with friends before going back to home. Thus, this location have a wider range of customers, so our restaurant would be easy to be found as long as it’s near to the oldest mall in Sibu and today famous coffee shop. The size of the shop lot is 851 sq ft and has indoor and outdoor areas.

3.4.4 Promotion
The Vegetarian’s World restaurant will use three methods to promote which are through sale promotions, advertising and public relations. Since our restaurant is targeting on these adults from age 22 – 55 years old, it needs a wide range of reach. So, our restaurant would promote the meals and beverages that is fit to adults through sale promotions. The promotion offers for adults will start from Monday to Friday at the specific time, especially breakfast and lunch hours. Besides, our restaurant will provide the collection card whereby once the card is filled with full stamps, they can have certain meals and beverages for free. The second method is advertising, we will advertise our products, promotion dates and special offers via Facebook, Wechat, Line, Whatsapp, Instagram, Youtube and other available social networks. Lastly, our restaurant will provide the free meals and beverages during the grand opening of Vegetarian’s World restaurant in order to promote via public relations and also working together with the nearby schools to promote health awareness to the students in their early ages.

4.0 Organization Plan

Table 4.0 “Vegetarian’s World” restaurant Organizational Chart
4.1 Owner
The owner of Vegetarian’s World restaurant has the highest position in the hierarchy of an organization. Owner play an important role to keep the business grows. The responsibilities of the owner is almost everything in the management such as operations, financial, marketing and human resources. Otherwise, the owner is responsible for the changing menu and the meals and beverages has to be tasted by the owner before it go to public. Everything happens in the restaurant will be report to the owner in order to maintain sustainable business practices.

4.2 Kitchen Manager (Chefs)
Our restaurant will be positioning two chefs and it is the second-in-charge in the position especially in the kitchen. The chefs are in charge of planning and organizing the menu, thus chefs are also have to determine the meals before serve it to customers. Creating a new meals is the harder part played by the chef. Besides, the chef are responsible to supervise and train the kitchen staffs. Mostly, the chef will supervise kitchen staffs during the cook activities, demonstrate the technique to cooks and give some advises on cooking procedures. Therefore, the chef must always keep the kitchen clean and play safe in order to provide a healthier meals to customers. However, the chef will check on the ingredients needed and place the orders in order to make sure our restaurant are not run out of ingredients. The chef will also refer to the orders made by the customer through a surface 3 provided at the kitchen.

4.3 Kitchen Assistants
At this position, our restaurant would need two persons in this stage. As a kitchen assistant, they will have to know how to prepare the basic foods. The given tasks and instructions must be fully followed by the kitchen assistants in order to initiative and work in a team. Mostly, the duties of the kitchen assistant is to help the chef get ready for whatever the chef needs for meals preparation. This could involve washing the vegetables and dishes, peeling and trimming the foods to make everything are ready to cook. Cleaning is the fundamental responsibility that the kitchen assistant must have to do so. For example, cleaning the mess after the food preparation, equipment, and floors.

4.4 Counter Staff
Our restaurant will hire one person for counter staff. The counter staff will refer to the orders made by the customers and received the accurate amount of payments from the customers. The counter staff must possess good communication skills and able to handle problems in a claim and efficient manner. Besides, the counter staff must be good in math in order to calculate the money drawer at the exactly amount when the restaurant were closed. Thus, the counter staff will report every complaints and the feedbacks from customers to the chef and owner in order to make an improvement on whatever go wrong.

4.5 Position Staff (Waiters)
The jobs of the greeters are to attending the customers and teach them to order the meals and beverages by using surface 3 at their sitting table. They job is to make sure the cleanliness and tidiness of the dining area, cleaning the toilet and refilling empty toilet rolls. The main responsibility of the waiter is to serve the meals from the kitchen to the customers and correspond to the customers for what they needs. Thus, they will collect all the feedbacks made by the customers to the counter staff.

5.0 Financial plan
One-Time Payment
Expenses (RM)
Purchase the shop lot
Pay the salaries for contractor and interior designer
Kitchen equipment
Purchase furniture
Pay for grand opening advertisement cost
Decorations cost
Purchase materials
Grand opening cost
On-going Payment
Expenses (RM)

Promotion fee (Monthly)
3.0% of total gross sales
Business License (Yearly)
Supplies (Monthly)
All employees’ wages (Monthly)
Halal Certificate (2 Years)

Table 5.0 “Vegetarian’s World” restaurant Financial Plan

6.0 Production plan
Person in Charge
Negotiate to purchase the shop lot
2 week
Acquiring business license from District Offices Sibu at Level 23 of Wisma Sanyan, No. 1 Jalan Sanyan, Sibu
2 weeks
Online applying Halal certification and get approval
1 month
Sign contracts for the water and electricity, telecom for wifi and also with the contractor and interior designer
2 weeks
Design interior design of the restaurant
3 weeks
Installing internal wiring of the whole restaurant
1 week
Implementing the interior design of the restaurant
1 month
Purchasing the kitchen equipment and furniture
Owner and Chefs
1 week
Select and purchase the materials
Owner and Chefs
3 days
Design menu and trial
Owner and Chefs
2 weeks
Start interviewing and recruitment of employees
1 month
Collaborate with advertising agent to design the grand opening advertisement banners
1 week
Complete the restaurant interior designs
1 month
Purchase of decoration for the restaurant
5 days
Establish contracts with suppliers
1 week
Training employees
Owner and Chefs
 3 weeks
Obtaining Fire Department Permit
1 week
Online apply the food premises with the Health Ministry
1 week
Grand opening of the restaurant
1 day

Table 6.0 Vegetarian’s World restaurant Production Plan

7.0 Legal plan
7.1 Business License
Business license is the first license should acquire by Vegetarian’s World before opening a business in Sibu town. This license is necessary for doing business at Sibu which is to register the company name and to permit the company for doing business locally. It is essential to pay the registration fee and submit the relevant documents such as the title of the shop where the business is going to operate and some necessary statements. Mostly, this business license is authorized by Sibu Municipal Council. The process of getting the business license approved will be within 14 days.

7.2 Halal Certification
The halal certification can be apply through online and it is eligible for vegetarian restaurant. During the process of obtaining the halal certification, it will required for certain related documents about whether the company is eligible for halal certification or not. Mostly, it will take around 1 month for approval and the company will need to pay the receipt of the service within 14 days. After the payment been made, it will take 30 days to get the halal certificate. When the halal certificate is approved, the company have to pay RM200 per kitchen and it is lasting for 2 years. This certificate is authorized by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).

7.3 Fire Department Permit
Fire department permit is one of the legal permission that is use to ensure a company can safety handle the fire if something goes wrong in the kitchen. They will inspect the safety measurements for the restaurant and may come for the inspection periodically to ensure the restaurant meet the fire safety regulations.

7.4 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Certification (HACCP)
Lastly, the company must obtain the HACCP certification by filling the application form and this form will come along with the payment. Since the application has been approved, there is the registration of the food premise for the restaurant. This is to register the list of food or ingredients being served in the restaurant. The certificate is authorized by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM).

8.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, the Vegetarian’s World restaurant will be officially open up in Sibu and also will bring Sibu people toward a culture of healthy lifestyles. Mostly, it is important of letting the Sibu people to have more knowledge regarding healthy awareness for the sake of the people in the society. However, everyone is hoping to have healthy aging, well-being, longevity and healthier life. Vegetarian is an irrefutable proof to live longer, stay healthier and it is also able to adapt human conscience. The restaurant management has come up with strategies to keep the restaurant opening for years in order to exploring the external opportunities of Vegetarian’s World and also improving the internal strengths.
Throughout the ages, many scientists, writers, artists and great philosophers with their unprecedented talent and achievement, a profound impact on the process of human civilization. But they all have one in common characteristics which is all of them are vegetarians. For example, Albert Einstein, Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Alva Edison and Confucius. However, vegetarian foods are a major source of nutrition and have a lower rates of heart disease. As we know, vegetarian is not only the concept that would be up for grabs in the future. In the coming future, there will be more vegetarian restaurants open up in Sibu in order to adapt into healthy lifestyle. Generally, most of the people will prefer vegetarian for a reason which is considering about the healthiness and well-being. Besides, older adults can find someone who are in common in our restaurant, either children, youngsters, adults or older adults. As a vegetarian, mostly they will meet each other in a different vegetarian restaurants or food courts and they will shares the reason why they come that far to this restaurant and also common topic to talk. For non-vegetarian, they come to vegetarian restaurant whether is to looking for something fresh or attempt to have something different and prefers to have healthy meals instead of other unhealthy foods. Thus, the rivalry for vegetarian restaurants are low but the rivalry of the non-vegetarian restaurants can be considered as moderate. In this case, we all know that non-vegetarian restaurants might be able to follow our business model but not all of them can do the same thing like we do. Frankly, most of the people realize the importance for being a vegetarian but they do not act just like what they think or stay long in this particular stages as well as they will still go to our restaurant for healthy purpose. Eventually, the future development of the Vegetarian’s World restaurant will be grow in a widely range and able to bring unpredictable profit in returns.

10.0 References
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